Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gyro Pita

And once again caves came to the rescue and saved me from possibly committing suicide after all the bad swell lately. Waves were super fun and the sections were good. The only problem was the crowd. The capetown crew pull in again and claimed priority but nevertheless still got good waves and a good surf.

A couple of photos

Unidentified flying object

These waves were plenty

Simon Heale with a fatty

Mark Clark


  1. hey man, cool to see you get some good shots there! im sure you must have got some good ones of some of the owes busting out :)

    hows that shark out there! crazy stuff and sunburnt and cooked from that session, just wasnt happening for me..haha!

    chat soon

  2. hahah shot bru. yeah only took photos for about an hour cause i was too amped too surf.

  3. haha ja for sure man, know the feeling! its so hard and want to mix it to get owes trading off, surf for an hour and friend shoots for an hour then swap again! makes you go out and go hard to get the shots asap ;)
