Kawshiorkor! This is my first post and i feel the need to express todays incident; Doug Stanley as you all know as Mr"Pink eye" was quite in a pickle today. See we were all crammed into his super charged golf, hells! 6 of us! we got stoped at a road block and stanley immediately slipped and unknown package into his well, package. He handled it super smooth as the cop whom was on a spree checked his drivers license, he then asked doug to step out the car, Doug who is normally quite red faced was now as red as the devil himself, the cop sent his hounds to search the car for drugs and found none, they then turned to dougs crotch and was going ape-shit on it , barking, howling , some passed out! Doug whom couldn't go more red said to the cope, "So what I didn't wash it for a week now, sue me!" telling by the cops reaction he was utterly disgusted and replied "Sies man!! i don't want to here about your dirty pele boy!!" he then whipped out his baton and beat Doug into total submission, with doug out the picture we enjoyed a mighty fine day of surf!
don't get me wrong Doug is Awesome!
fuck me that is funny.